Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Don’t let off the gas

In this episode, we discuss the importance of maintaining momentum in the pursuit of financial freedom and success.


As the month of January comes to a close, it's easy to start feeling like you can let off the gas and take it easy. But now is the time to really focus and put in the work to set yourself up for success. This is what we call "separation season," a time when you can really get ahead by making extra efforts and adding momentum to your progress.


There are lots of small things you can do to add momentum to your progress, like going to the gym one extra day a week, walking an extra 2,000 steps a day, or following up with one more client or lead. The key is to always be looking for ways to do "one more" thing to move forward and make progress.


Don't let off the gas in January and risk falling into the same trap as so many others who start the year with big plans but quickly lose steam. Remember, momentum is key to achieving financial freedom and success, so keep pushing forward and making the most of each day.


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